Babet Storm Strikes on 21st. October 2023

Babet Storm Scotland suffered from the worst storm, the Babet storm this year on the 20th and 21st of October with Red, Amber, and Yellow warnings being issued over the two days. I again monitored the rainfall in my area of the North of Scotland during the Babet storm. Although there were high winds on […]
Rainfall on 6th — 8th October 2023

Over the 6th and 8th October 2023 my area was caught in a heavy rainfall event like many other parts of Scotland. As I have a small weather station mounted in my garden that records weather data on an ongoing basis, I decided to estimate the statistical rainfall during the storm. Storm Details The storm […]
Connectivity Committee Reject 20mph Bill

On 31 May 2019 the BBC reported that “Holyrood’s rural economy committee has refused to back a Bill seeking to make 20mph the standard speed limit on residential streets in Scotland”. Edward Mountain, a conservative MSP for the Highlands and Islands and Convener of the Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee, explained. After considering the evidence […]
The Trauma of a new web page

Another page completed. I have just published the latest page on my website. The page title is Mensuration, and no, it has nothing to do with the monthly periods. Mensuration is a branch of mathematics that deals with the measurement of geometric figures such as squares, cubes, rectangles, and cones etc. This page deals only […]
Climate Change and Mitigation

Carbon Brief, a UK-based website covering the latest developments in climate science, climate policy and energy policy, published their weekly briefing on the 18th January 2019. The first article in the briefing was the “State of the climate”. They stated that “This week in January would normally see the leading climate agencies publish their results […]
Glasgow sets up a Low Emissions Zone

At midnight on January 1st 2019, the first city in Scotland was Glasgow to set up a Low Emissions Zone (LEZ). This LEZ covers the city centre, with 20% of all buses in the city having to meet the European Union (EU) emissions standards during the first phase. By 2022 all vehicles entering the zone […]
Why Did I Start This Website
This is the first blog on my new website, “The Enviro Engineer”. So, why did I decide to start a website now and why call it the Enviro Engineer? I retired officially from a career in engineering that lasted nearly 50 years on the 25th April 2017. Officially, because according to my accountant, my last […]